Pediatric Neurology

Our pediatric neurologists are nationally and internationally recognized as children’s neurology experts. 我们为各种神经系统疾病提供先进的治疗.

Side view of girl with brain illustration
Pediatric Surgery at UCLA

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for pediatric neurology?

Since our program was founded, the pediatric neurology team at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 has offered expert care. 我们诊断和治疗患有神经系统疾病的婴儿、儿童和青少年. 我们的专家在开发许多技术和工具方面发挥了重要作用, 我们的专业知识已获得国际认可.

Highlights of our program include:

Pioneers in children’s neurology: Since the 1980s, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric neurologists have consistently contributed to advancing care. We were among the first to use positron emission tomography (PET) scans to study brain development and childhood epilepsy. Many of the surgical approaches developed at our centers are now standard epilepsy treatments. 

Contributors to national guidelines: Our specialists have contributed to both the American Academy of Neurology and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s concussion treatment guidelines. We follow these protocols in our Sports Concussion and 创伤tic Brain Injury (TBI) Program, offering young athletes the most effective care.

International recognition: Many of our physicians are internationally renowned for their contributions to pediatric neurology research. We have studied multiple areas of child neurology, such as researching how epilepsy affects brain development and how TBI affects cognitive function.

Clinical trial access: Because our specialists participate in ongoing research, we offer patients the latest, 最具前景的新疗法一旦问世. Eligible children may participate in clinical trials to benefit from early access to new treatments.


我们的小儿神经科医生提供全方位的小儿神经科护理, including specialized areas of care such as:

Adolescent Epilepsy Center

该中心的专家采用整体护理方法治疗青少年癫痫. 我们知道癫痫发作只是谜团的一部分. Mental health disorders, learning disabilities, medication side effects or social challenges are just a few examples of the many factors that affect your child’s overall well-being.

We use the latest monitoring and imaging tools to accurately diagnose your child’s seizures. Once we understand the cause, 我们的儿科神经科医生可以提供最合适的治疗, including medications, 饮食疗法, medical devices or surgery.

To schedule an appointment, call 310-825-6196 或电子邮件 [email protected]

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder Center of Excellence

这个卓越中心是西海岸第一个这样的中心. We use a team-based approach to treat children and adults with CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), 一种罕见的疾病,会导致癫痫发作和发育迟缓.

Our specialists assess all aspects of your child’s life affecting their health to determine the best possible treatment plan. We provide the full spectrum of care, from diagnosis to surgery to ongoing medical management.

Infantile Spasms Program

婴儿痉挛是一种影响2岁以下婴儿的癫痫. 我们是一个国家和国际的婴儿痉挛转诊中心. 我们的专家参与研究和临床试验, offering research-based, effective treatments.

Our comprehensive services include:

  • Diagnostic testing
  • On-site genetic testing
  • 治疗方法包括药物、手术、饮食疗法或其他选择

Ketogenic Diet Therapy Program

生酮饮食,通常被称为keto,是一种高脂肪,低碳水化合物的饮食计划. We prescribe this diet to improve seizure control in people who don’t experience improvements with medication alone. 虽然这种治疗传统上只适用于儿童, we now use it in adults as well.

我们以团队为基础的护理方法确保饮食治疗安全有效. The team includes:

  • Epileptologists – neurologists specializing in epilepsy
  • Ketogenic dietitians
  • 专门研究癫痫和生酮饮食的护士

你需要一个转诊预约生酮饮食治疗项目. 呼叫 310-825-6196 或电子邮件 [email protected] 了解更多.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders Program

We diagnose and treat children with a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as:

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Communication disorders
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Learning disabilities
  • 国际资本流动障碍

Our comprehensive, 循证方法包括多位专家的专业知识, including those in:

  • 儿童精神病学
  • 儿童发展
  • Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
  • Neuro-genetics
  • Orthopaedics and Cerebral Palsy Clinic

We work with regional centers, 公立学校和私立学校为我们的病人提供最好的治疗. We also train future leaders in neurology, pediatrics and child neurology, 确保儿童在未来的岁月中获得特殊的照顾.  

Sports Concussions and 创伤tic Brain Injury Program

Our specialists care for patients, participate in research and educate the community on sports concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). We manage these conditions based on proven research, using guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology, CDC and the international Concussion in Sport Group. 

We offer a variety of treatments, including psychotherapy, exercise rehabilitation and 饮食疗法. 多位专家共同提供全面的脑震荡护理. Your child benefits from the services of:

  • 神经外科医生
  • 神经学家
  • Neuropsychologists
  • 营养师
  • Occupational therapists
  • Sports medicine specialists

To learn more about our services, call 310-825-6196 或电子邮件 [email protected]

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Program

结节性硬化症(TSC)是一种罕见的遗传性疾病. 它会导致非癌性(良性)肿瘤在全身生长, often in the brain, 肾脏, 心脏还是皮肤.

我们的TSC项目是美国西部同类项目中规模最大的. 我们采用多专业的方法来治疗这种复杂的情况. We also have a TSC neurology clinic for adults. Our specialists participate in studies and clinical trials to expand our knowledge and treatment options.

结节性硬化症联盟认可我们的项目为TSC卓越中心. This means that patients receive the highest level of care based on guidelines developed by an international group of clinical experts. We focus on diagnosis and ongoing treatment, including medical therapies, surgical treatments and ketogenic 饮食疗法.

To learn more about these services, call 310-206-4037 或电子邮件 [email protected]

Conditions pediatric neurologists treat

Our child neurology team treats the full range of neurological conditions in children, 包括:


脑部肿瘤 are irregular masses of cells in the brain. 它们可能是癌性的(恶性的)或非癌性的(良性的)。. 神经学家 work with a range of specialists in the Pediatric Brain Tumor Program to offer comprehensive treatment for all types of brain tumors.

Congenital and hereditary disorders

We treat an array of congenital disorders (ones that your child is born with) and hereditary disorders (ones that your child inherits but may not be evident at birth), 包括: 

先天无脑畸形: 婴儿出生时大脑和颅骨发育不全的情况  

脑瘫: 一组影响运动、平衡、协调和肌肉张力的疾病

Chiari malformation: A condition in which the back portion of the brain (cerebellum) extends into the spinal column

颅缝早闭: 婴儿颅骨过早融合导致颅骨畸形的一种情况  

脑积水: An irregular buildup of the fluid that cushions the brain and spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid)  

头小畸型: 导致头部比预期小得多的一种情况

脊柱裂: 脊髓在出生前未正常发育的一种情况

Neurological disorders in newborns


Intraventricular hemorrhage: 脑室出血,脑室是大脑中含有脑脊液的地方

Periventricular leukomalacia: A type of brain injury that damages the white matter (inner part of the brain) surrounding ventricles  


We treat chronic or emergency headaches in children. Children may have sudden, severe head pain that causes other symptoms, such as double vision or neck pain. 一些孩子可以通过服用药物来治疗持续的头痛.

Inflammatory and infectious disorders


脑脓肿: A collection of pus in the brain, possibly interfering with blood flow or leading to swelling 

脑炎: Brain inflammation, often caused by a viral infection

Guillain-Barré syndrome: A rare disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves, leading to 肌肉无力  

脑膜炎: Inflammation in the meninges, the membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord

瑞氏综合征: 这是一种罕见的疾病,会导致大脑和肝脏肿胀   

Neuromuscular disorders


Muscular dystrophy: 一组引起肌肉无力和肌肉质量损失的疾病  

Myasthenia gravis: A disorder in which the immune system damages the communication signals between muscles and nerves, causing weakness and fatigue   

Spinal muscular atrophy: A genetic disorder that affects the nervous system and causes muscles to waste away (atrophy)  

Seizures and epilepsy

Seizures are sudden, uncontrollable bursts of irregular electrical activity in the brain. They cause varying symptoms, including behavioral changes and possible loss of consciousness.

当一个孩子有两次或两次以上的癫痫发作至少相隔24小时,没有已知的原因, doctors consider this epilepsy. 

Neurocutaneous syndromes

Neurocutaneous syndromes are chronic (ongoing) conditions that cause tumors to grow throughout the body, including in the brain and spinal cord. Types of neurocutaneous syndromes include:

Neurofibromatosis (NF): A group of three conditions (NF1, NF2 and schwannomatosis) that cause tumors to grow on nerves

Sturge-Weber syndrome: A rare disorder that causes leptomeningeal angioma, 在覆盖大脑和脊髓的组织中形成的不规则结构

Tuberous sclerosis: 一种罕见的遗传性疾病,会导致非癌性肿瘤在全身形成, including in the brain, 皮肤, 心, 眼睛, 肾脏或肺


Our neurologists treat children who have traumatic injuries affecting their brain or spinal cord, 包括:

Acute spinal cord injury: Any injury that damages the spinal cord, often causing back pain, 肌肉无力, 麻木, 刺痛, or paralysis in the chest, 胳膊或腿

创伤tic brain injury (TBI): A sudden injury that damages the brain, often caused by a violent jolt or blow to the head

冲击: A type of TBI that occurs when a jolt or hit to the body causes the head and brain to move suddenly back and forth

Tests and treatments neurologists offer


Neurological exams: These exams assess the nervous system. 神经科医生可能会使用特殊的工具来检查反射、平衡、运动技能等.

Electroencephalogram (EEG): 这种专门的测试记录了大脑中的电活动. We often use EEGs to diagnose seizures.

成像测试: 儿科神经学家使用几种类型的成像测试来评估儿童的大脑. 我们可以使用CT扫描,核磁共振成像或正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描.

Children’s neurology treatment may include:  

药物: Prescription medicines may treat a variety of neurological conditions, such as headaches or epilepsy.

Ketogenic 饮食疗法: Our specialists may prescribe a high-fat, 低碳水化合物饮食计划称为生酮饮食,以帮助儿童控制癫痫.

Occupational therapy: An occupational therapist helps children improve fine motor skills and participate in daily activities.

物理治疗: 理疗师可以帮助孩子提高肌肉力量, 语气, 灵活性, balance and mobility.

言语治疗: 语言治疗师帮助孩子提高语言和沟通技巧.

手术: If needed, our neurologists work with the pediatric neurosurgery team to offer surgical treatment.


我们的儿科神经学家是全国顶尖的专家之一. 我们不断研究和实施新的治疗方案. Children who come to us benefit from a collaborative treatment approach from a team of experts.


呼叫 310-825-0867 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的儿科神经科医生.


呼叫 310-825-0867 了解更多关于我们卓越的儿科神经病学服务.

美国皇冠hga025最佳儿童医院2023-24 -神经外科和神经病学